2022-10-03 20:08:24 GMT+0000 (ERROR): ABJ404-SOLUTION Normal error handler error: errno: 2, errstr: "Use of undefined constant ABJ404_TEMP_BASE - assumed 'ABJ404_TEMP_BASE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)", errfile: "/home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Logging.php", errline: 332, Additional info: (none), mbstring: true, PHP version: 7.3.33, WP ver: 6.0.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/plugins.php, Requested URL: /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=404-solution%2F404-solution.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=5cc85f5002, Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/ErrorHandler.php(83): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('ABJ404-SOLUTION...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Logging.php(332): ABJ_404_Solution_ErrorHandler::NormalErrorHandler(2, 'Use of undefine...', '/home/sicatocl/...', 332, Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Logging.php(148): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->getDebugFilePath() #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Logging.php(126): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->writeLineToDebugFile('2022-10-03 20:0...') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/ErrorHandler.php(146): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('ABJ404-SOLUTION...') #5 [internal function]: ABJ_404_Solution_ErrorHandler::FatalErrorHandler() #6 {main} 2022-10-03 20:08:24 GMT+0000 (ERROR): ABJ404-SOLUTION Normal error handler error: errno: 2, errstr: "mkdir(): Permission denied", errfile: "/home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Functions.php", errline: 212, Additional info: (none), mbstring: true, PHP version: 7.3.33, WP ver: 6.0.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/plugins.php, Requested URL: /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=404-solution%2F404-solution.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=5cc85f5002, Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/ErrorHandler.php(83): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('ABJ404-SOLUTION...') #1 [internal function]: ABJ_404_Solution_ErrorHandler::NormalErrorHandler(2, 'mkdir(): Permis...', '/home/sicatocl/...', 212, Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Functions.php(212): mkdir('ABJ404_TEMP_BAS...', 493, true) #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Logging.php(363): ABJ_404_Solution_Functions->createDirectoryWithErrorMessages('ABJ404_TEMP_BAS...') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Logging.php(332): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->getFilePathAndMoveOldFile('ABJ404_TEMP_BAS...', 'abj404_debug.tx...') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Logging.php(148): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->getDebugFilePath() #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/Logging.php(126): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->writeLineToDebugFile('2022-10-03 20:0...') #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/ErrorHandler.php(146): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('ABJ404-SOLUTION...') #8 [internal function]: ABJ_404_Solution_ErrorHandler::FatalErrorHandler() #9 {main} 2022-10-03 20:08:24 GMT+0000 (ERROR): ABJ404-SOLUTION Fatal error handler: {"type":2,"message":"Use of undefined constant ABJ404_TEMP_BASE - assumed 'ABJ404_TEMP_BASE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)","file":"/home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SynchronizationUtils.php","line":26}, Additional info: (none), mbstring: true, PHP version: 7.3.33, WP ver: 6.0.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/plugins.php, Requested URL: /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=404-solution%2F404-solution.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=5cc85f5002, Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/ErrorHandler.php(146): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('ABJ404-SOLUTION...') #1 [internal function]: ABJ_404_Solution_ErrorHandler::FatalErrorHandler() #2 {main} 2022-10-03 20:26:01 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.01MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-03 20:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 80 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-03 20:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-03 20:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-03 20:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-03 20:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-03 20:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-04 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.02MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-04 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 80 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-04 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-04 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-04 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-04 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-04 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-05 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.09MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-05 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 81 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-05 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-05 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-05 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-05 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-05 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-06 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.2MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-06 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 82 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-06 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-06 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-06 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-06 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-06 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-07 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.27MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 83 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-08 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.3MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-08 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 84 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-08 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-08 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-08 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-08 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-08 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-09 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.41MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-09 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 85 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-09 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-09 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-09 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-09 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-09 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-10 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.48MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 86 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-11 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.53MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-11 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 87 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-11 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-11 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-11 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-11 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-11 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-12 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-12 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 88 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-12 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-12 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-12 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-13 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.62MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-13 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 89 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-13 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-13 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-13 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-13 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-13 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-14 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.65MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 90 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.7MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 91 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-16 01:27:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.76MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-16 01:27:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.30.16 is 92 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-10-16 01:27:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.30.16 2022-10-16 01:27:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-10-16 01:27:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-10-16 01:27:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-10-16 01:27:14 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.30.16 2022-10-17 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.81MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-18 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.86MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-19 01:26:02 UTC (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.94MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-19 01:26:02 UTC (ERROR): ABJ404-SOLUTION Normal error handler error: errno: 2, errstr: "Undefined array key \"SERVER_NAME\"", errfile: "/home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php", errline: 693, Additional info: (none), mbstring: true, PHP version: 8.0.24, WP ver: 6.0.3, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: , Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/ErrorHandler.php(83): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage() #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(693): ABJ_404_Solution_ErrorHandler::NormalErrorHandler() #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php(605): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->shouldUpdate() #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1302): ABJ_404_Solution_DatabaseUpgradesEtc->updatePluginCheck() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(128): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->deleteOldRedirectsCron() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): abj404_dailyMaintenanceCronJobListener() #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(524): WP_Hook->do_action() #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-cron.php(138): do_action_ref_array() #9 {main} 2022-10-19 01:26:02 UTC (ERROR): ABJ404-SOLUTION Fatal error handler: {"type":2,"message":"Undefined array key "SERVER_NAME"","file":"/home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DatabaseUpgradesEtc.php","line":693}, Additional info: (none), mbstring: true, PHP version: 8.0.24, WP ver: 6.0.3, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: , Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/ErrorHandler.php(146): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage() #1 [internal function]: ABJ_404_Solution_ErrorHandler::FatalErrorHandler() #2 {main} 2022-10-20 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 0.98MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.03MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-22 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.14MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-23 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.25MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-24 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.31MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-25 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.46MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-26 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.58MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-27 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.62MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.72MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-29 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.76MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-30 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.8MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-10-31 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.88MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-01 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.94MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-02 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 1.99MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-03 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.1MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-04 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.16MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-05 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.24MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-06 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.34MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-07 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.42MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-08 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.49MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-09 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.6MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.66MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-11 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.72MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-12 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.78MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-13 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.86MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-14 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 2.97MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.03MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-16 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.06MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-17 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.1MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-18 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.15MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-19 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.19MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-20 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.23MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.32MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 30 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-22 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.4MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 31 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-23 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.46MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-23 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 32 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-23 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-23 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-23 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-23 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-23 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-24 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.52MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 33 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-25 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.61MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-25 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 34 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-25 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-25 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-25 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-25 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-25 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-26 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.64MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-26 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 35 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-26 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-26 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-26 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-26 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-26 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-27 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.72MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 36 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.81MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 37 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-29 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 3.9MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 38 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-11-30 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.04MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-11-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 39 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-11-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-11-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-11-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-11-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-11-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-12-01 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.19MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-01 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.3 is 40 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2022-12-01 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.3 2022-12-01 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2022-12-01 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2022-12-01 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2022-12-01 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.3 2022-12-02 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-03 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.33MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-04 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.52MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-05 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.6MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-06 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.72MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-07 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.8MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-08 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 4.87MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-09 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 5.13MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 5.53MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-11 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 5.71MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-12 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 5.79MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-13 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 5.87MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-14 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 5.91MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-15 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-16 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.08MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-17 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.19MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-18 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-19 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.34MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-20 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.41MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-21 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.47MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-23 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.61MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-24 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.65MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-25 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.78MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-26 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.83MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-27 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.91MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-28 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 6.97MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-29 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-30 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.33MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2022-12-31 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.4MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-01 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.44MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-02 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.49MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-03 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-04 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.64MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-05 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.73MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-06 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.78MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.88MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-08 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 7.95MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-10 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.05MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-11 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.2MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-12 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.27MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-13 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.32MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.37MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-15 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.44MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-16 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.49MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-17 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-18 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.63MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-19 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.67MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.71MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.77MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.83MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-23 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.9MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 8.95MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.9 is 30 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-01-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.9 2023-01-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-01-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-01-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-01-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.9 2023-01-25 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.02MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.9 is 31 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-01-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.9 2023-01-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-01-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-01-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-01-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.9 2023-01-26 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.08MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-27 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.13MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.21MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-29 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.29MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.36MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-01-31 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.45MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-01 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.53MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-02 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.6MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.71MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-04 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.78MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 2, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-05 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.85MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-06 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 9.9MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.36MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 4, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-07 14:17:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /p/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-02-08 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.42MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-09 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.51MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-11 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.62MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-12 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.69MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-13 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.73MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.78MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-15 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.88MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-16 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 10.98MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.08MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-18 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.18MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-19 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.23MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-20 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.27MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-21 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.34MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-22 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.38MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-23 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.42MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.48MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.57MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-26 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.61MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-27 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.78MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-02-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.82MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-01 01:26:02 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.9MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-02 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.98MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-03 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.02MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 30 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-04 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.12MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 31 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-05 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.27MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-05 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 32 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-05 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-05 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-05 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-05 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-05 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-06 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.35MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 33 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-07 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.44MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 34 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-08 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 11.92MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-08 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 35 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-08 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-08 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-08 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-08 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-08 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-09 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.17MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 36 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.32MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-10 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 37 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-10 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-10 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-10 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-10 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-10 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-11 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.41MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-11 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 38 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-11 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-11 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-11 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-11 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-11 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-12 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.48MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 39 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-13 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 40 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-14 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.63MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-14 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 41 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-14 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-14 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-14 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-14 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-14 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-15 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.71MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-15 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 42 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-15 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-15 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-15 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-15 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-15 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-16 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.79MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-16 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 43 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-16 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-16 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-16 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-16 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-16 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-17 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 12.9MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 44 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-18 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.11MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 4, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-18 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 45 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-18 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-18 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-18 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-18 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-18 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-19 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.45MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-19 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 46 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-19 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-19 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-19 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-19 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-19 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-20 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.52MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 47 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-21 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.6MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-21 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 48 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-21 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-21 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-21 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-21 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-21 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-22 01:27:19 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.65MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-22 01:27:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 49 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-22 01:27:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-22 01:27:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-22 01:27:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-22 01:27:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-22 01:27:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-23 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.74MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 50 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.79MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 51 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.84MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 52 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-26 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 13.94MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-26 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 53 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-26 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-26 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-26 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-26 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-26 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-27 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 14.03MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 54 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-28 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 14.08MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-28 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 55 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-28 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-28 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-28 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-28 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-28 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 14.12MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 56 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-29 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 14.18MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 57 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-30 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-31 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 14.24MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-03-31 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 58 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-03-31 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-03-31 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-03-31 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-03-31 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-03-31 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-03-31 17:30:41 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=product_cat&tag_ID=1508&post_type=product&wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-tags.php%3Ftaxonomy%3Dproduct_cat%26post_type%3Dproduct, Requested URL: /wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=product_cat&post_type=product, Stored debug messages: 2023-03-31 17:30:41 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Ignoring admin URL: /wp-admin/edit-tags.php 2023-03-31 17:30:41 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=product_cat&tag_ID=1508&post_type=product&wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-tags.php%3Ftaxonomy%3Dproduct_cat%26post_type%3Dproduct | Current user: Sicatoad | From: /wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=product_cat&post_type=product to: 404, Reason: ignore_donotprocess, Ignore msg(s): Admin URL, Execution time: 0.1 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(222): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-admin/edit-...', '404', 'ignore_donotpro...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-03-31 17:31:05 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=product_cat&tag_ID=1508&post_type=product&wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-tags.php%3Ftaxonomy%3Dproduct_cat%26post_type%3Dproduct, Requested URL: /wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=product_cat&post_type=product, Stored debug messages: 2023-03-31 17:31:05 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Ignoring admin URL: /wp-admin/edit-tags.php 2023-03-31 17:31:05 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=product_cat&tag_ID=1508&post_type=product&wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-tags.php%3Ftaxonomy%3Dproduct_cat%26post_type%3Dproduct | Current user: Sicatoad | From: /wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=product_cat&post_type=product to: 404, Reason: ignore_donotprocess, Ignore msg(s): Admin URL, Execution time: 0.02 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(222): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-admin/edit-...', '404', 'ignore_donotpro...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-03-31 17:40:45 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=product_cat&tag_ID=1193&post_type=product&wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-tags.php%3Ftaxonomy%3Dproduct_cat%26post_type%3Dproduct&wc-hide-notice=update&_wc_notice_nonce=a846f16234, Requested URL: /wp-admin/user-new.php, Stored debug messages: 2023-03-31 17:40:45 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Ignoring admin URL: /wp-admin/user-new.php 2023-03-31 17:40:45 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/term.php?taxonomy=product_cat&tag_ID=1193&post_type=product&wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit-tags.php%3Ftaxonomy%3Dproduct_cat%26post_type%3Dproduct&wc-hide-notice=update&_wc_notice_nonce=a846f16234 | Current user: Sicatoad | From: /wp-admin/user-new.php to: 404, Reason: ignore_donotprocess, Ignore msg(s): Admin URL, Execution time: 0.1 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(222): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-admin/user-...', '404', 'ignore_donotpro...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-04-01 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 14.41MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-01 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 59 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-04-01 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-04-01 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-04-01 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-04-01 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-04-01 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-04-02 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 14.64MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-02 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 60 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-04-02 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-04-02 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-04-02 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-04-02 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-04-02 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-04-02 02:09:20 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/customize.php?theme=generatepress&return=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sicato.cl%2Fwp-admin%2Ftheme-install.php%3Fbrowse%3Dpopular, Requested URL: /www.sicato.cl?customize_changeset_uuid=b38f1e9c-d826-4f3d-b184-e63101aaee1e&customize_theme=generatepress&customize_messenger_channel=preview-1, Stored debug messages: 2023-04-02 02:09:20 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /www.sicato.cl?customize_changeset_uuid=b38f1e9c-d826-4f3d-b184-e63101aaee1e | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, REMOTE_ADDR:, REQUEST_URI: /www.sicato.cl?customize_changeset_uuid=b38f1e9c-d826-4f3d-b184-e63101aaee1e&customize_theme=generatepress&customize_messenger_channel=preview-1 2023-04-02 02:09:20 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: www.sicato.cl 2023-04-02 02:09:20 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 98 likely match IDs. 2023-04-02 02:09:20 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/customize.php?theme=generatepress&return=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sicato.cl%2Fwp-admin%2Ftheme-install.php%3Fbrowse%3Dpopular | Current user: Sicatoad | From: /www.sicato.cl?customize_changeset_uuid=b38f1e9c-d826-4f3d-b184-e63101aaee1e&customize_theme=generatepress&customize_messenger_channel=preview-1 to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.24 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/www.sicato.cl?...', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/www.sicato.cl?...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-04-02 02:09:46 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/customize.php?theme=generatepress&return=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sicato.cl%2Fwp-admin%2Ftheme-install.php%3Fbrowse%3Dpopular, Requested URL: /www.sicato.cl?customize_changeset_uuid=b38f1e9c-d826-4f3d-b184-e63101aaee1e&customize_theme=generatepress&customize_messenger_channel=preview-2&customize_autosaved=on, Stored debug messages: 2023-04-02 02:09:46 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /www.sicato.cl?customize_changeset_uuid=b38f1e9c-d826-4f3d-b184-e63101aaee1e | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, REMOTE_ADDR:, REQUEST_URI: /www.sicato.cl?customize_changeset_uuid=b38f1e9c-d826-4f3d-b184-e63101aaee1e&customize_theme=generatepress&customize_messenger_channel=preview-2&customize_autosaved=on 2023-04-02 02:09:46 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: www.sicato.cl 2023-04-02 02:09:46 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 98 likely match IDs. 2023-04-02 02:09:46 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/customize.php?theme=generatepress&return=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sicato.cl%2Fwp-admin%2Ftheme-install.php%3Fbrowse%3Dpopular | Current user: Sicatoad | From: /www.sicato.cl?customize_changeset_uuid=b38f1e9c-d826-4f3d-b184-e63101aaee1e&customize_theme=generatepress&customize_messenger_channel=preview-2&customize_autosaved=on to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.14 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/www.sicato.cl?...', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/www.sicato.cl?...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-04-02 02:14:17 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/customize.php?theme=generatepress&return=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sicato.cl%2Fwp-admin%2Ftheme-install.php%3Fbrowse%3Dpopular, Requested URL: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, Stored debug messages: 2023-04-02 02:14:17 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Ignoring admin URL: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 2023-04-02 02:14:17 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/customize.php?theme=generatepress&return=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sicato.cl%2Fwp-admin%2Ftheme-install.php%3Fbrowse%3Dpopular | Current user: Sicatoad | From: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php to: 404, Reason: ignore_donotprocess, Ignore msg(s): Admin URL, Execution time: 0.08 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(222): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-admin/admin...', '404', 'ignore_donotpro...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-04-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 14.9MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-03 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 61 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-04-03 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-04-03 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-04-03 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-04-03 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-04-03 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-04-04 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 15.71MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.11 is 62 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-04-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.11 2023-04-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-04-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-04-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-04-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.11 2023-04-05 17:56:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 16.95MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 17.17MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-07 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 17.67MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-07 04:42:49 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: 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SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/plus/mytag_js....', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/plus/mytag_js....', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-04-07 04:42:51 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: http://www.sicato.cl/plus/download.php?open=1&arrs1[]=99&arrs1[]=102&arrs1[]=103&arrs1[]=95&arrs1[]=100&arrs1[]=98&arrs1[]=112&arrs1[]=114&arrs1[]=101&arrs1[]=102&arrs1[]=105&arrs1[]=120&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=121&arrs2[]=97&arrs2[]=100&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=83&arrs2[]=69&arrs2[]=84&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=114&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=98&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=100&arrs2[]=121&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=61&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=60&arrs2[]=63&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=102&arrs2[]=105&arrs2[]=108&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=95&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=117&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=95&arrs2[]=99&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=115&arrs2[]=40&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=46&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=44&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=60&arrs2[]=63&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=118&arrs2[]=97&arrs2[]=108&arrs2[]=40&ar, Requested URL: /plus/download.php?open=1&arrs1%5B%5D=99&arrs1%5B%5D=102&arrs1%5B%5D=103&arrs1%5B%5D=95&arrs1%5B%5D=100&arrs1%5B%5D=98&arrs1%5B%5D=112&arrs1%5B%5D=114&arrs1%5B%5D=101&arrs1%5B%5D=102&arrs1%5B%5D=105&arrs1%5B%5D=120&arrs2%5B%5D=109&arrs2%5B%5D=121&arrs2%5B%5D=97&arrs2%5B%5D=100&arrs2%5B%5D=96&arrs2%5B%5D=32&arrs2%5B%5D=83&arrs2%5B%5D=69&arrs2%5B%5D=84&arrs2%5B%5D=32&arrs2%5B%5D=96&arrs2%5B%5D=110&arrs2%5B%5D=111&arrs2%5B%5D=114&arrs2%5B%5D=109&arrs2%5B%5D=98&arrs2%5B%5D=111&arrs2%5B%5D=100&arrs2%5B%5D=121&arrs2%5B%5D=96&arrs2%5B%5D=32&arrs2%5B%5D=61&arrs2%5B%5D=32&arrs2%5B%5D=39&arrs2%5B%5D=60&arrs2%5B%5D=63&arrs2%5B%5D=112&arrs2%5B%5D=104&arrs2%5B%5D=112&arrs2%5B%5D=32&arrs2%5B%5D=102&arrs2%5B%5D=105&arrs2%5B%5D=108&arrs2%5B%5D=101&arrs2%5B%5D=95&arrs2%5B%5D=112&arrs2%5B%5D=117&arrs2%5B%5D=116&arrs2%5B%5D=95&arrs2%5B%5D=99&arrs2%5B%5D=111&arrs2%5B%5D=110&arrs2%5B%5D=116&arrs2%5B%5D=101&arrs2%5B%5D=110&arrs2%5B%5D=116&arrs2%5B%5D=115&arrs2%5B%5D=40&arrs2%5B%5D=39&arrs2%5B%5D=39&arrs2%5B%5D=109&arrs2%5B%5D=111&arrs2%5B%5D=111&arrs2%5B%5D=110&arrs2%5B%5D=46&arrs2%5B%5D=112&arrs2%5B%5D=104&arrs2%5B%5D=112&arrs2%5B%5D=39&arrs2%5B%5D=39&arrs2%5B%5D=44&arrs2%5B%5D=39&arrs2%5B%5D=39&arrs2%5B%5D=60&arrs2%5B%5D=63&arrs2%5B%5D=112&arrs2%5B%5D=104&arrs2%5B%5D=112&arrs2%5B%5D=32&arrs2%5B%5D=101&arrs2%5B%5D=118&arrs2%5B%5D=97&arrs2%5B%5D=108&arrs2%5B%5D=40&ar, Stored debug messages: 2023-04-07 04:42:51 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /plus/download.php?open=1 | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fi-FI) AppleWebKit/528.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/528.16, REMOTE_ADDR:, REQUEST_URI: /plus/download.php?open=1&arrs1[]=99&arrs1[]=102&arrs1[]=103&arrs1[]=95&arrs1[]=100&arrs1[]=98&arrs1[]=112&arrs1[]=114&arrs1[]=101&arrs1[]=102&arrs1[]=105&arrs1[]=120&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=121&arrs2[]=97&arrs2[]=100&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=83&arrs2[]=69&arrs2[]=84&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=114&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=98&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=100&arrs2[]=121&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=61&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=60&arrs2[]=63&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=102&arrs2[]=105&arrs2[]=108&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=95&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=117&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=95&arrs2[]=99&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=115&arrs2[]=40&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=46&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=44&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=60&arrs2[]=63&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=118&arrs2[]=97&arrs2[]=108&arrs2[]=40&ar 2023-04-07 04:42:51 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: download.php 2023-04-07 04:42:51 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 145 likely match IDs. 2023-04-07 04:42:51 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: http://www.sicato.cl/plus/download.php?open=1&arrs1[]=99&arrs1[]=102&arrs1[]=103&arrs1[]=95&arrs1[]=100&arrs1[]=98&arrs1[]=112&arrs1[]=114&arrs1[]=101&arrs1[]=102&arrs1[]=105&arrs1[]=120&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=121&arrs2[]=97&arrs2[]=100&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=83&arrs2[]=69&arrs2[]=84&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=114&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=98&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=100&arrs2[]=121&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=61&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=60&arrs2[]=63&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=102&arrs2[]=105&arrs2[]=108&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=95&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=117&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=95&arrs2[]=99&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=115&arrs2[]=40&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=46&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=44&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=60&arrs2[]=63&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=118&arrs2[]=97&arrs2[]=108&arrs2[]=40&ar | Current user: | From: /plus/download.php?open=1&arrs1[]=99&arrs1[]=102&arrs1[]=103&arrs1[]=95&arrs1[]=100&arrs1[]=98&arrs1[]=112&arrs1[]=114&arrs1[]=101&arrs1[]=102&arrs1[]=105&arrs1[]=120&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=121&arrs2[]=97&arrs2[]=100&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=83&arrs2[]=69&arrs2[]=84&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=114&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=98&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=100&arrs2[]=121&arrs2[]=96&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=61&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=60&arrs2[]=63&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=102&arrs2[]=105&arrs2[]=108&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=95&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=117&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=95&arrs2[]=99&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=116&arrs2[]=115&arrs2[]=40&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=109&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=111&arrs2[]=110&arrs2[]=46&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=44&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=39&arrs2[]=60&arrs2[]=63&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=104&arrs2[]=112&arrs2[]=32&arrs2[]=101&arrs2[]=118&arrs2[]=97&arrs2[]=108&arrs2[]=40&ar to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.12 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/plus/download....', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/plus/download....', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-04-08 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 17.89MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-09 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.03MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-09 09:49:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /p/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-04-10 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.16MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-11 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.31MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.38MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-13 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.45MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.52MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-15 01:27:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.61MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-16 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.69MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.79MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-18 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.85MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-19 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 18.93MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-20 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.01MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-21 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.11MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-22 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.17MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-23 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-24 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.46MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-25 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.5MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-26 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.58MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-26 15:28:22 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /p/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-04-27 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.68MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-28 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.75MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 19.85MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-04-30 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 20.3MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 3, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-01 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 20.53MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-02 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 20.65MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-03 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 20.75MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-04 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 20.92MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-05 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 21.2MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 2, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 21.38MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-07 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 21.48MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-08 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 21.57MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 21.69MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-10 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 21.92MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-10 12:20:27 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-10 12:39:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-11 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 22.1MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-12 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 22.2MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-13 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 22.28MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.31.13 is 30 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-05-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.31.13 2023-05-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-05-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-05-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-05-13 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.31.13 2023-05-14 01:26:03 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 22.37MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-15 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 22.46MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-16 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 22.57MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-17 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 22.71MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-18 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 22.88MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-18 11:57:59 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-18 16:40:35 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-19 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-19 10:41:49 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.11MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-20 13:05:42 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-21 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.19MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-22 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.28MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-23 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.4MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-24 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.47MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-24 10:17:49 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.57MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-25 11:27:39 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-26 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.76MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.89MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-28 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 23.98MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-29 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 24.06MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-29 20:50:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-29 20:51:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-29 20:51:47 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-05-30 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 24.13MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-05-31 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 24.19MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-01 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 24.29MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-01 02:56:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-06-01 03:33:52 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-06-02 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 24.44MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-03 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 24.57MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-04 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 24.74MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-05 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 24.86MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-06 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 25.01MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-07 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 25.12MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-08 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 25.2MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-09 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 25.28MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-10 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 25.45MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-11 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 25.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-12 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 25.67MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-13 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 25.78MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-14 01:19:14 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: please secure your web because this a like bad bot to crawl malicious code in your web, Requested URL: /_ignition/execute-solution, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-14 01:19:14 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /_ignition/execute-solution | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Malicious Scanner v.1.2, REMOTE_ADDR:, REQUEST_URI: /_ignition/execute-solution 2023-06-14 01:19:14 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: execute-solution 2023-06-14 01:19:14 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 112 likely match IDs. 2023-06-14 01:19:14 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: /_ignition/please%20secure%20your%20web%20because%20this%20a%20like%20bad%20bot%20to%20crawl%20malicious%20code%20in%20your%20web | Current user: | From: /_ignition/execute-solution to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.14 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/_ignition/exec...', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/_ignition/exec...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-06-14 01:19:15 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: please secure your web because this a like bad bot to crawl malicious code in your web, Requested URL: /_ignition/execute-solution, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-14 01:19:15 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /_ignition/execute-solution | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Malicious Scanner v.1.2, REMOTE_ADDR:, REQUEST_URI: /_ignition/execute-solution 2023-06-14 01:19:15 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: execute-solution 2023-06-14 01:19:15 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 112 likely match IDs. 2023-06-14 01:19:15 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: /_ignition/please%20secure%20your%20web%20because%20this%20a%20like%20bad%20bot%20to%20crawl%20malicious%20code%20in%20your%20web | Current user: | From: /_ignition/execute-solution to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.09 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/_ignition/exec...', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/_ignition/exec...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-06-14 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 26.01MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-15 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 26.23MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-16 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 26.34MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-17 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 26.46MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 26.57MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL query error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., SQL: /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/getPermalinkFromURL.sql BEGIN ----- */ select r.* from wkcgx_abj404_redirects r left outer join wkcgx_posts p on r.final_dest = p.id left outer join wkcgx_terms t on r.final_dest = t.term_id where r.url in ('/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg', '/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg/') /* a disabled value of '1' means in the trash. */ and r.disabled = 0 and r.status in (1, 2) and r.type not in (0) /* only include the redirect if the page exists or the destination is external. */ and (p.id is not null or t.term_id is not null or r.type = 4) -- make sure the first url appears first. order by (CASE when r.url = '/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg' then 1 when r.url = '/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg/' then 2 else 'Unknown' end), r.timestamp desc /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/getPermalinkFromURL.sql END ----- */ , Execution time: 0, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(218): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL query ...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1432): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->queryAndGetResults('/* ------------...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(230): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->getActiveRedirectForURL('/wp-content/upl...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Error executing query. Err: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/getPublishedPagesAndPostsIDs.sql BEGIN ----- */ select wp_posts.id, wp_posts.post_type, wp_posts.post_parent, wp_posts.post_title, /* the depth is only here to initialize the value to something. later it's used for sorting. */ '0' as depth, usefulterms.grouped_terms, plc.url from wkcgx_posts wp_posts left outer join ( /* This selects posts that have the exclude keys set in woocommerce. The exclude keys are all aggregated on one line with group_concat(). */ select wptr.object_id, group_concat(wpt.name) as grouped_terms from wkcgx_term_relationships wptr left outer join wkcgx_terms wpt on wptr.term_taxonomy_id = wpt.term_id and wpt.name in ('exclude-from-search', 'exclude-from-catalog') where wpt.name is not null group by wptr.object_id ) usefulterms on wp_posts.ID = usefulterms.object_id left outer join wkcgx_abj404_permalink_cache plc on wp_posts.ID = plc.id where wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' and lcase(wp_posts.post_type) in ('page', 'post', 'product') /* 'page', 'post', 'product' */ /* only include this line if a slug has been specified. e.g. and post_name = 'specifiedSlug' */ and wp_posts.post_name = 'p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg' /* */ /* only include this line if a search term has been specified. e.g. and lower(post_name) like 'searchTerm' /* */ /* only include this line if it's been specified. e.g. and abs(plc.url_length - 100) <= 6 /* */ and ( usefulterms.grouped_terms is null or usefulterms.grouped_terms not like '%exclude-from-search%' or usefulterms.grouped_terms not like '%exclude-from-catalog%' ) /* order results. e.g order by abs(plc.url_length - 100), wp_posts.ID /* */ /* limit results. e.g limit 250 /* */ /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/getPublishedPagesAndPostsIDs.sql END ----- */ , PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1541): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Error executing...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(256): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->getPublishedPagesAndPostsIDs('p_1_2_8_3_1283-...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(263): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->getPermalinkUsingSlug('wp-content/uplo...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL query error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., SQL: /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/insertSpellingCache.sql BEGIN ----- */ INSERT INTO wkcgx_abj404_spelling_cache (url, matchdata) VALUES ('wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg','[{\"6078|1\":\"70.8333\",\"3375|1\":\"70.3704\",\"6089|1\":\"68.9266\",\"6088|1\":\"68.4848\",\"7424|1\":\"66.6667\"},\"pages\"]') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE matchdata = '[{\"6078|1\":\"70.8333\",\"3375|1\":\"70.3704\",\"6089|1\":\"68.9266\",\"6088|1\":\"68.4848\",\"7424|1\":\"66.6667\"},\"pages\"]' /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/insertSpellingCache.sql END ----- */ , Execution time: 0, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 5 likely match IDs., Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(218): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL query ...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(434): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->queryAndGetResults('/* ------------...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(421): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->storeSpellingPermalinksToCache('wp-content/uplo...', Array) #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(297): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->findMatchingPosts('wp-content/uplo...', '1', '1') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(286): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->getPermalinkUsingSpelling('wp-content/uplo...') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #12 {main} 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL query error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., SQL: select * from wkcgx_abj404_redirects where url = '/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg' and disabled = 0 , Execution time: 0, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(218): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL query ...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1458): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->queryAndGetResults('select * from w...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(224): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->getExistingRedirectForURL('/wp-content/upl...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/wp-content/upl...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL query error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., SQL: select id from wkcgx_abj404_logsv2 where cast(requested_url as binary) = cast('/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg' as binary) limit 1, Execution time: 0, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(218): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL query ...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1037): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->queryAndGetResults('select id from ...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-content/upl...', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/wp-content/upl...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: requested_url. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: select id from wkcgx_abj404_lookup where lkup_value = '', PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-18 10:52:25 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: | Current user: | From: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.1 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-content/upl...', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/wp-content/upl...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-06-18 10:53:10 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL query error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., SQL: /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/getPermalinkFromURL.sql BEGIN ----- */ select r.* from wkcgx_abj404_redirects r left outer join wkcgx_posts p on r.final_dest = p.id left outer join wkcgx_terms t on r.final_dest = t.term_id where r.url in ('/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg', '/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg/') /* a disabled value of '1' means in the trash. */ and r.disabled = 0 and r.status in (1, 2) and r.type not in (0) /* only include the redirect if the page exists or the destination is external. */ and (p.id is not null or t.term_id is not null or r.type = 4) -- make sure the first url appears first. order by (CASE when r.url = '/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg' then 1 when r.url = '/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg/' then 2 else 'Unknown' end), r.timestamp desc /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/getPermalinkFromURL.sql END ----- */ , Execution time: 0, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-18 10:53:10 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Ignoring user agent (process ok): Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +http://yandex.com/bots) for URL: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(218): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL query ...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1432): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->queryAndGetResults('/* ------------...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(230): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->getActiveRedirectForURL('/wp-content/upl...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-06-18 10:53:10 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Error executing query. Err: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/getPublishedPagesAndPostsIDs.sql BEGIN ----- */ select wp_posts.id, wp_posts.post_type, wp_posts.post_parent, wp_posts.post_title, /* the depth is only here to initialize the value to something. later it's used for sorting. */ '0' as depth, usefulterms.grouped_terms, plc.url from wkcgx_posts wp_posts left outer join ( /* This selects posts that have the exclude keys set in woocommerce. The exclude keys are all aggregated on one line with group_concat(). */ select wptr.object_id, group_concat(wpt.name) as grouped_terms from wkcgx_term_relationships wptr left outer join wkcgx_terms wpt on wptr.term_taxonomy_id = wpt.term_id and wpt.name in ('exclude-from-search', 'exclude-from-catalog') where wpt.name is not null group by wptr.object_id ) usefulterms on wp_posts.ID = usefulterms.object_id left outer join wkcgx_abj404_permalink_cache plc on wp_posts.ID = plc.id where wp_posts.post_status = 'publish' and lcase(wp_posts.post_type) in ('page', 'post', 'product') /* 'page', 'post', 'product' */ /* only include this line if a slug has been specified. e.g. and post_name = 'specifiedSlug' */ and wp_posts.post_name = 'p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg' /* */ /* only include this line if a search term has been specified. e.g. and lower(post_name) like 'searchTerm' /* */ /* only include this line if it's been specified. e.g. and abs(plc.url_length - 100) <= 6 /* */ and ( usefulterms.grouped_terms is null or usefulterms.grouped_terms not like '%exclude-from-search%' or usefulterms.grouped_terms not like '%exclude-from-catalog%' ) /* order results. e.g order by abs(plc.url_length - 100), wp_posts.ID /* */ /* limit results. e.g limit 250 /* */ /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/getPublishedPagesAndPostsIDs.sql END ----- */ , PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-18 10:53:10 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1541): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Error executing...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(256): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->getPublishedPagesAndPostsIDs('p_1_2_8_3_1283-...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(263): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->getPermalinkUsingSlug('wp-content/uplo...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-06-18 10:53:11 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL query error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., SQL: /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/insertSpellingCache.sql BEGIN ----- */ INSERT INTO wkcgx_abj404_spelling_cache (url, matchdata) VALUES ('wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg','[{\"6078|1\":\"70.8333\",\"3375|1\":\"70.3704\",\"6089|1\":\"68.9266\",\"6088|1\":\"68.4848\",\"7424|1\":\"66.6667\"},\"pages\"]') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE matchdata = '[{\"6078|1\":\"70.8333\",\"3375|1\":\"70.3704\",\"6089|1\":\"68.9266\",\"6088|1\":\"68.4848\",\"7424|1\":\"66.6667\"},\"pages\"]' /* ------------------ /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/sql/insertSpellingCache.sql END ----- */ , Execution time: 0, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-18 10:53:10 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: 2023-06-18 10:53:11 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 5 likely match IDs., Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(218): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL query ...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(434): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->queryAndGetResults('/* ------------...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(421): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->storeSpellingPermalinksToCache('wp-content/uplo...', Array) #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(297): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->findMatchingPosts('wp-content/uplo...', '1', '1') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(286): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->getPermalinkUsingSpelling('wp-content/uplo...') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #12 {main} 2023-06-18 10:53:11 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL query error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., SQL: select * from wkcgx_abj404_redirects where url = '/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg' and disabled = 0 , Execution time: 0, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(218): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL query ...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1458): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->queryAndGetResults('select * from w...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(224): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->getExistingRedirectForURL('/wp-content/upl...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/wp-content/upl...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-06-18 10:53:11 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL query error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: No se ha podido realizar la consulta porque contiene datos no vĂ¡lidos., SQL: select id from wkcgx_abj404_logsv2 where cast(requested_url as binary) = cast('/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg' as binary) limit 1, Execution time: 0, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: , Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(218): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL query ...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1037): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->queryAndGetResults('select id from ...') #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-content/upl...', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/wp-content/upl...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-06-18 10:53:11 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: requested_url. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: select id from wkcgx_abj404_lookup where lkup_value = '', PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: , Requested URL: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill%B2n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg, Stored debug messages: 2023-06-18 10:53:11 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: | Current user: | From: /wp-content/uploads/2014/10/p_1_2_8_3_1283-thickbox_default-Sill²n-Poly-e1584074303840.jpg to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): User agent (process ok): yandexbot, Execution time: 0.06 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-content/upl...', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/wp-content/upl...', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-06-19 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 26.94MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-20 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 27.08MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-21 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 27.36MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-22 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 27.55MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-23 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 27.62MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-24 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 27.7MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-25 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 27.77MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-26 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 27.87MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-27 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 28MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-27 14:47:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-06-28 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 28.09MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-29 01:56:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 28.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-29 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 30 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-06-29 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-06-29 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-06-29 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-06-29 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-06-29 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-06-30 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 28.34MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-06-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 31 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-06-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-06-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-06-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-06-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-06-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-01 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 28.48MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-01 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 32 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-01 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-01 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-01 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-01 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-01 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-02 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 28.64MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 33 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-03 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 28.82MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-03 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 34 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-03 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-03 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-03 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-03 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-03 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-04 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 29.15MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 35 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-05 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 29.7MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-05 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 36 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-05 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-05 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-05 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-05 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-05 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-06 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 30.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 2, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-06 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 37 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-06 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-06 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-06 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-06 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-06 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-07 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 30.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-07 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 38 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-07 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-07 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-07 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-07 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-07 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-08 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 31.27MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 39 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-09 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 31.49MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 40 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-10 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 31.85MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 41 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-11 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 32.32MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 42 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-12 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 32.43MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-12 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 43 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-12 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-12 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-12 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-12 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-12 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-12 13:17:19 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-07-12 18:12:30 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-07-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 32.54MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 44 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-14 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 32.68MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-14 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 45 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-14 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-14 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-14 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-14 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-14 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 32.77MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-15 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 46 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-15 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-15 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-15 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-15 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-15 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-16 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 32.95MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 47 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-17 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 33.06MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-17 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 48 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-17 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-17 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-17 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-17 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-17 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-18 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 33.16MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 49 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-19 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 33.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 50 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-20 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 33.38MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-20 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 51 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-21 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 33.47MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 52 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-22 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 33.69MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-22 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 53 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-22 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-22 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-22 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-22 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-22 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 33.84MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 54 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-24 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 33.91MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-24 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 55 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-24 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-24 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-24 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-24 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-24 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.05MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 56 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-26 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.28MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 57 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-27 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.38MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-27 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 58 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-27 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-27 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-27 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-27 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-27 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-28 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.5MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-28 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 59 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-29 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.62MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-29 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 60 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-29 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-29 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-29 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-29 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-29 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-29 23:47:33 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: www.google.com, Requested URL: /.well-known/\',\'/.well-known/pki-validation/\',\'/.well-known/acme-challenge/\',\'/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wp-admin/\',\'/wordpress/wp-admin/includes\',\'/wp-admin/js/\',\'/ALFA_DATA/\',\'/wp-content/upgrade/\',\'/wp-admin/css/colors/\',\'/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-includes/css/\',\'/wp-includes/ID3\',\'/wp-includes/IXR/\',\'/wp-includes/Requests/\',\'/wp-includes/SimplePie/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/Diff/Renderer/\',\'/wp-includes/blocks/\',\'/wp-includes/certificates/\',\'/wp-includes/customize/\',\'/wp-includes/fonts/\',\'/wp-includes/images/\',\'/wp-includes/js/\',\'/wp-includes/pomo/\',\'/wp-includes/rest-api/\',\'/wp-includes/widgets/\',\'/wp-admin/css/\',\'/wp-admin/images/\',\'/wp-admin/maint/\',\'/wp-admin/meta/\',\'/wp-admin/network/\',\'/wp-admin/user/\',\'/wp-content/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/2021/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/elementor/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/\',\'/wp-content/mu-plugins/\',\'/wp-content/themes/\',\'/upload/image/\',\'/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-includes/\',\'/blog/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/WordPress/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/sites/default/files/\',\'/admin/controller/extension/extension/, Stored debug messages: 2023-07-29 23:47:32 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /.well-known/& | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Moblie Safari/537.36, REMOTE_ADDR:, REQUEST_URI: /.well-known/\',\'/.well-known/pki-validation/\',\'/.well-known/acme-challenge/\',\'/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wp-admin/\',\'/wordpress/wp-admin/includes\',\'/wp-admin/js/\',\'/ALFA_DATA/\',\'/wp-content/upgrade/\',\'/wp-admin/css/colors/\',\'/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-includes/css/\',\'/wp-includes/ID3\',\'/wp-includes/IXR/\',\'/wp-includes/Requests/\',\'/wp-includes/SimplePie/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/Diff/Renderer/\',\'/wp-includes/blocks/\',\'/wp-includes/certificates/\',\'/wp-includes/customize/\',\'/wp-includes/fonts/\',\'/wp-includes/images/\',\'/wp-includes/js/\',\'/wp-includes/pomo/\',\'/wp-includes/rest-api/\',\'/wp-includes/widgets/\',\'/wp-admin/css/\',\'/wp-admin/images/\',\'/wp-admin/maint/\',\'/wp-admin/meta/\',\'/wp-admin/network/\',\'/wp-admin/user/\',\'/wp-content/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/2021/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/elementor/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/\',\'/wp-content/mu-plugins/\',\'/wp-content/themes/\',\'/upload/image/\',\'/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-includes/\',\'/blog/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/WordPress/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/sites/default/files/\',\'/admin/controller/extension/extension/ 2023-07-29 23:47:32 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: & 2023-07-29 23:47:33 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 165 likely match IDs. 2023-07-29 23:47:33 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: /.well-known/',/'/.well-known/pki-validation/',/'/.well-known/acme-challenge/',/'/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/',/'/wp-content/uploads/',/'/wp-admin/',/'/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/',/'/wp-admin/js/',/'/ALFA_DATA/',/'/wp-content/upgrade/',/'/wp-admin/css/colors/',/'/wp-includes/',/'/wp-includes/css/',/'/wp-includes/ID3/',/'/wp-includes/IXR/',/'/wp-includes/Requests/',/'/wp-includes/SimplePie/',/'/wp-includes/Text/',/'/wp-includes/Text/Diff/Renderer/',/'/wp-includes/blocks/',/'/wp-includes/certificates/',/'/wp-includes/customize/',/'/wp-includes/fonts/',/'/wp-includes/images/',/'/wp-includes/js/',/'/wp-includes/pomo/',/'/wp-includes/rest-api/',/'/wp-includes/widgets/',/'/wp-admin/css/',/'/wp-admin/images/',/'/wp-admin/maint/',/'/wp-admin/meta/',/'/wp-admin/network/',/'/wp-admin/user/',/'/wp-content/',/'/wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/',/'/wp-content/uploads/2021/',/'/wp-content/plugins/elementor/',/'/wp-content/plugins/',/'/wp-content/mu-plugins/',/'/wp-content/themes/',/'/upload/image/',/'/uploads/',/'/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/',/'/wordpress/wp-includes/',/'/blog/wp-includes/',/'/wp-admin/includes/',/'/WordPress/wp-admin/includes/',/'/sites/default/files/',/'/admin/controller/extension/extension/www.google.com | Current user: | From: /.well-known/\',\'/.well-known/pki-validation/\',\'/.well-known/acme-challenge/\',\'/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wp-admin/\',\'/wordpress/wp-admin/includes\',\'/wp-admin/js/\',\'/ALFA_DATA/\',\'/wp-content/upgrade/\',\'/wp-admin/css/colors/\',\'/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-includes/css/\',\'/wp-includes/ID3\',\'/wp-includes/IXR/\',\'/wp-includes/Requests/\',\'/wp-includes/SimplePie/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/Diff/Renderer/\',\'/wp-includes/blocks/\',\'/wp-includes/certificates/\',\'/wp-includes/customize/\',\'/wp-includes/fonts/\',\'/wp-includes/images/\',\'/wp-includes/js/\',\'/wp-includes/pomo/\',\'/wp-includes/rest-api/\',\'/wp-includes/widgets/\',\'/wp-admin/css/\',\'/wp-admin/images/\',\'/wp-admin/maint/\',\'/wp-admin/meta/\',\'/wp-admin/network/\',\'/wp-admin/user/\',\'/wp-content/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/2021/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/elementor/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/\',\'/wp-content/mu-plugins/\',\'/wp-content/themes/\',\'/upload/image/\',\'/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-includes/\',\'/blog/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/WordPress/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/sites/default/files/\',\'/admin/controller/extension/extension/ to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.21 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/.well-known/&', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/.well-known/&', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-07-30 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.7MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 61 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-31 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.76MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-07-31 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 62 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-07-31 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-07-31 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-07-31 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-07-31 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-07-31 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-07-31 23:15:11 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.2.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: www.google.com, Requested URL: /.well-known/\',\'/.well-known/pki-validation/\',\'/.well-known/acme-challenge/\',\'/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wp-admin/\',\'/wordpress/wp-admin/includes\',\'/wp-admin/js/\',\'/ALFA_DATA/\',\'/wp-content/upgrade/\',\'/wp-admin/css/colors/\',\'/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-includes/css/\',\'/wp-includes/ID3\',\'/wp-includes/IXR/\',\'/wp-includes/Requests/\',\'/wp-includes/SimplePie/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/Diff/Renderer/\',\'/wp-includes/blocks/\',\'/wp-includes/certificates/\',\'/wp-includes/customize/\',\'/wp-includes/fonts/\',\'/wp-includes/images/\',\'/wp-includes/js/\',\'/wp-includes/pomo/\',\'/wp-includes/rest-api/\',\'/wp-includes/widgets/\',\'/wp-admin/css/\',\'/wp-admin/images/\',\'/wp-admin/maint/\',\'/wp-admin/meta/\',\'/wp-admin/network/\',\'/wp-admin/user/\',\'/wp-content/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/2021/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/elementor/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/\',\'/wp-content/mu-plugins/\',\'/wp-content/themes/\',\'/upload/image/\',\'/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-includes/\',\'/blog/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/WordPress/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/sites/default/files/\',\'/admin/controller/extension/extension/, Stored debug messages: 2023-07-31 23:15:11 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /.well-known/& | Redirect: {"id":0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 1, auto_tags: 1, dest404page: https://www.sicato.cl|4, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Moblie Safari/537.36, REMOTE_ADDR:, REQUEST_URI: /.well-known/\',\'/.well-known/pki-validation/\',\'/.well-known/acme-challenge/\',\'/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wp-admin/\',\'/wordpress/wp-admin/includes\',\'/wp-admin/js/\',\'/ALFA_DATA/\',\'/wp-content/upgrade/\',\'/wp-admin/css/colors/\',\'/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-includes/css/\',\'/wp-includes/ID3\',\'/wp-includes/IXR/\',\'/wp-includes/Requests/\',\'/wp-includes/SimplePie/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/Diff/Renderer/\',\'/wp-includes/blocks/\',\'/wp-includes/certificates/\',\'/wp-includes/customize/\',\'/wp-includes/fonts/\',\'/wp-includes/images/\',\'/wp-includes/js/\',\'/wp-includes/pomo/\',\'/wp-includes/rest-api/\',\'/wp-includes/widgets/\',\'/wp-admin/css/\',\'/wp-admin/images/\',\'/wp-admin/maint/\',\'/wp-admin/meta/\',\'/wp-admin/network/\',\'/wp-admin/user/\',\'/wp-content/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/2021/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/elementor/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/\',\'/wp-content/mu-plugins/\',\'/wp-content/themes/\',\'/upload/image/\',\'/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-includes/\',\'/blog/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/WordPress/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/sites/default/files/\',\'/admin/controller/extension/extension/ 2023-07-31 23:15:11 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: & 2023-07-31 23:15:11 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Found 165 likely match IDs. 2023-07-31 23:15:11 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: /.well-known/',/'/.well-known/pki-validation/',/'/.well-known/acme-challenge/',/'/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/',/'/wp-content/uploads/',/'/wp-admin/',/'/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/',/'/wp-admin/js/',/'/ALFA_DATA/',/'/wp-content/upgrade/',/'/wp-admin/css/colors/',/'/wp-includes/',/'/wp-includes/css/',/'/wp-includes/ID3/',/'/wp-includes/IXR/',/'/wp-includes/Requests/',/'/wp-includes/SimplePie/',/'/wp-includes/Text/',/'/wp-includes/Text/Diff/Renderer/',/'/wp-includes/blocks/',/'/wp-includes/certificates/',/'/wp-includes/customize/',/'/wp-includes/fonts/',/'/wp-includes/images/',/'/wp-includes/js/',/'/wp-includes/pomo/',/'/wp-includes/rest-api/',/'/wp-includes/widgets/',/'/wp-admin/css/',/'/wp-admin/images/',/'/wp-admin/maint/',/'/wp-admin/meta/',/'/wp-admin/network/',/'/wp-admin/user/',/'/wp-content/',/'/wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/',/'/wp-content/uploads/2021/',/'/wp-content/plugins/elementor/',/'/wp-content/plugins/',/'/wp-content/mu-plugins/',/'/wp-content/themes/',/'/upload/image/',/'/uploads/',/'/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/',/'/wordpress/wp-includes/',/'/blog/wp-includes/',/'/wp-admin/includes/',/'/WordPress/wp-admin/includes/',/'/sites/default/files/',/'/admin/controller/extension/extension/www.google.com | Current user: | From: /.well-known/\',\'/.well-known/pki-validation/\',\'/.well-known/acme-challenge/\',\'/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wp-admin/\',\'/wordpress/wp-admin/includes\',\'/wp-admin/js/\',\'/ALFA_DATA/\',\'/wp-content/upgrade/\',\'/wp-admin/css/colors/\',\'/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-includes/css/\',\'/wp-includes/ID3\',\'/wp-includes/IXR/\',\'/wp-includes/Requests/\',\'/wp-includes/SimplePie/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/\',\'/wp-includes/Text/Diff/Renderer/\',\'/wp-includes/blocks/\',\'/wp-includes/certificates/\',\'/wp-includes/customize/\',\'/wp-includes/fonts/\',\'/wp-includes/images/\',\'/wp-includes/js/\',\'/wp-includes/pomo/\',\'/wp-includes/rest-api/\',\'/wp-includes/widgets/\',\'/wp-admin/css/\',\'/wp-admin/images/\',\'/wp-admin/maint/\',\'/wp-admin/meta/\',\'/wp-admin/network/\',\'/wp-admin/user/\',\'/wp-content/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/ao_ccss/\',\'/wp-content/uploads/2021/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/elementor/\',\'/wp-content/plugins/\',\'/wp-content/mu-plugins/\',\'/wp-content/themes/\',\'/upload/image/\',\'/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/\',\'/wordpress/wp-includes/\',\'/blog/wp-includes/\',\'/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/WordPress/wp-admin/includes/\',\'/sites/default/files/\',\'/admin/controller/extension/extension/ to: https://www.sicato.cl, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.17 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/PluginLogic.php(229): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/.well-known/&', 'https://www.sic...', 'user specified ...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(354): ABJ_404_Solution_PluginLogic->sendTo404Page('/.well-known/&', '') #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): abj404_404listener('') #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #11 {main} 2023-08-01 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.93MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-01 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 63 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-01 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-01 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-01 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-01 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-01 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-02 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 34.99MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 64 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-03 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.07MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-03 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 65 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-03 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-03 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-03 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-03 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-03 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-04 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.22MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-04 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 66 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-04 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-04 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-04 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-04 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-04 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-05 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.27MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-05 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 67 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-05 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-05 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-05 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-05 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-05 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-06 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.33MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-06 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 68 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-06 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-06 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-06 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-06 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-06 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-07 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.55MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 69 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-08 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.6MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 70 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-08 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-09 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.64MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 71 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-10 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.75MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 72 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-11 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.87MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 73 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-12 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 35.93MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-12 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 74 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-12 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-12 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-12 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-12 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-12 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-13 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 36.12MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-13 01:26:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 75 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-13 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-13 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-13 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-13 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-13 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-14 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 36.22MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-14 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 76 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-14 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-14 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-14 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-14 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-14 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-15 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 36.31MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 77 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-16 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 36.4MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 78 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-17 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 36.55MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-17 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 79 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-17 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-17 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-17 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-17 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-17 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-17 06:43:27 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-08-17 12:48:55 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /product/yeda/?attachment_id=5968 2023-08-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 36.83MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-18 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 80 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-18 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-18 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-18 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-18 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-18 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 37.03MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-19 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 81 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-19 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-19 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-19 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-19 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-19 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-20 01:26:04 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 37.24MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-20 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 82 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-20 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-20 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-20 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-20 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-20 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-21 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 37.36MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 83 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-22 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 37.48MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-22 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 84 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-22 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-22 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-22 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-22 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-22 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-22 22:46:32 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-08-23 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 37.61MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 2, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 85 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-23 08:51:31 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-08-24 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 37.77MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-24 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 86 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-24 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-24 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-24 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-24 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-24 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-25 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 38.02MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 87 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-25 20:21:15 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-08-26 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 38.21MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 2, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 88 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-26 03:42:26 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-08-27 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 38.3MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-27 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 89 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-27 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-27 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-27 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-27 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-27 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-28 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 38.52MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 4, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 90 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-29 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 38.68MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-29 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 91 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-29 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-29 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-29 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-29 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-29 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-30 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 38.87MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-30 01:26:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 92 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-30 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-30 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-30 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-30 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-30 01:26:12 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-08-31 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 38.98MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-08-31 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 93 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-08-31 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-08-31 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-08-31 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-08-31 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-08-31 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-01 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 39.17MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-01 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 94 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-01 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-01 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-01 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-01 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-01 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-02 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 39.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 95 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-03 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 39.48MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-03 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 96 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-03 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-03 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-03 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-03 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-03 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 39.64MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-04 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 97 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-04 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-04 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-04 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-04 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-04 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-05 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 39.75MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-05 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 98 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-05 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-05 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-05 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-05 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-05 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-06 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 39.87MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-06 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 99 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-06 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-06 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-06 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-06 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-06 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-07 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 39.99MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 100 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-08 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 40.09MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-08 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 101 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-08 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-08 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-08 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-08 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-08 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-09 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 40.24MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-09 01:56:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 102 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-09 01:56:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-09 01:56:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-09 01:56:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-09 01:56:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-09 01:56:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-09 12:48:17 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-09-10 01:26:51 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 40.39MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-10 01:26:57 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 103 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-10 01:26:57 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-10 01:26:57 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-10 01:26:58 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-10 01:26:58 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-10 01:26:58 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 40.57MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 104 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-12 01:28:17 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 40.69MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-12 01:28:18 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 105 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-12 01:28:18 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-12 01:28:18 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-12 01:28:18 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-12 01:28:18 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-12 01:28:18 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-13 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 40.81MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 106 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-13 22:31:46 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-09-14 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 41.12MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-14 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 107 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-14 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-14 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-14 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-14 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-14 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-14 15:15:24 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-09-15 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 41.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-15 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 108 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-15 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-15 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-15 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-15 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-15 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 41.45MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-16 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 109 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-16 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-16 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-16 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-16 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-16 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-17 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 41.59MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-17 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 110 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-17 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-17 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-17 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-17 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-17 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-18 00:11:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-09-18 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 41.72MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-18 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 111 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-18 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-18 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-18 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-18 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-18 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-19 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 41.87MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 112 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-19 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-20 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 41.97MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 113 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-20 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.05MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-21 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 114 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-21 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-21 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-21 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-21 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-21 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-22 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.1MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-22 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 115 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-22 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-22 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-22 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-22 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-22 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-23 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.18MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 116 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-23 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-24 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.36MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-24 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 117 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-24 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-24 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-24 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-24 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-24 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-25 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.44MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 118 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-25 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-26 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.49MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 119 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-26 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-26 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-26 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-26 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-26 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-27 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.62MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-27 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 120 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-27 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-27 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-27 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-27 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-27 01:56:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-28 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.74MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-28 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.32.2 is 121 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-09-28 01:26:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.32.2 2023-09-28 01:26:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-09-28 01:26:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-09-28 01:26:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-09-28 01:26:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.32.2 2023-09-28 11:44:51 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-09-28 11:45:25 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-09-29 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 42.86MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-09-30 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 43.03MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-01 01:28:53 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 43.18MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-01 11:25:57 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-10-02 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 43.41MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-03 01:27:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 43.61MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 43.68MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-05 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 43.81MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-06 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 44.05MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 5, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 44.24MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 2, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-08 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 44.96MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 15, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-09 01:56:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 45.43MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 2, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 45.91MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 11, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-10 23:53:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-10-10 23:53:25 GMT+0000 (INFO): Maybe avoided infite redirects to/from: /producto/yeda?attachment_id=5968 2023-10-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 46.58MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-12 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 46.71MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 47.18MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 6, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-14 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 47.49MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 47.68MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-16 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 47.81MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-17 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 47.89MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-18 01:26:10 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 47.98MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-19 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 48.1MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-20 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 48.29MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-21 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 48.39MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-22 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 48.45MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-23 01:26:05 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 48.56MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-24 01:26:22 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 48.68MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-25 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 48.8MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.04MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-27 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.12MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-28 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-28 21:41:32 GMT+0000 (ERROR): Ugh. SQL insert error: Error en la base de datos de WordPress: Ha fallado el procesamiento del valor del siguiente campo: referrer. El valor facilitado puede ser demasiado largo o contener datos no vĂ¡lidos., Query: SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `wkcgx_abj404_logsv2`, PHP version: 7.4.33, WP ver: 6.3.2, Plugin ver: 2.28.0, Referrer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/edit.php?s=strike&post_status=all&post_type=product&action=-1&seo_filter&product_cat&product_type&stock_status&paged=1&post_title=Silla+de+restaurante+Shell&post_name=shell&jj=04&mm=09&aa=2012&hh=00&mn=23&ss=25&post_password&tax_input%5Bproduct_cat%5D%5B0%5D=0&tax_input%5Bproduct_cat%5D%5B1%5D=821&tax_input%5Bproduct_cat%5D%5B2%5D=1184&tax_input%5Bproduct_cat%5D%5B3%5D=1185&tax_input%5Bproduct_tag%5D=bar%2C+casino%2C+restaurante%2C+terraza&_status=publish&pts-nonce-select=aaa062c787&pts_post_type=product&_sku=CERHTS22&_regular_price=58811&_sale_price&_tax_status=taxable&_tax_class&_weight&_length&_width&_height&_shipping_class=_no_shipping_class&_visibility=visible&_stock_status=instock&_backorders=no&woocommerce_quick_edit=1&woocommerce_quick_edit_nonce=7feba8c91b&_inline_edit=6b365a5773&post_view=list&screen=edit-product&post_author=1&action2=-1, Requested URL: /wp-content/plugins/featured-image-from-url/admin/html/js/woo-meta-box.js?ver=4.5.1, Stored debug messages: 2023-10-28 21:41:32 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Ignoring file/folder (do not redirect) for URL: wp-content/plugins/featured-image-from-url/admin/html/js/woo-meta-box.js, pattern used: ^wp\-content\/plugins\/.*$ 2023-10-28 21:41:32 GMT+0000 (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: https://www.sicato.cl/wp-admin/edit.php?s=strike&post_status=all&post_type=product&action=-1&seo_filter&product_cat&product_type&stock_status&paged=1&post_title=Silla+de+restaurante+Shell&post_name=shell&jj=04&mm=09&aa=2012&hh=00&mn=23&ss=25&post_password&tax_input%5Bproduct_cat%5D%5B0%5D=0&tax_input%5Bproduct_cat%5D%5B1%5D=821&tax_input%5Bproduct_cat%5D%5B2%5D=1184&tax_input%5Bproduct_cat%5D%5B3%5D=1185&tax_input%5Bproduct_tag%5D=bar%2C+casino%2C+restaurante%2C+terraza&_status=publish&pts-nonce-select=aaa062c787&pts_post_type=product&_sku=CERHTS22&_regular_price=58811&_sale_price&_tax_status=taxable&_tax_class&_weight&_length&_width&_height&_shipping_class=_no_shipping_class&_visibility=visible&_stock_status=instock&_backorders=no&woocommerce_quick_edit=1&woocommerce_quick_edit_nonce=7feba8c91b&_inline_edit=6b365a5773&post_view=list&screen=edit-product&post_author=1&action2=-1 | Current user: Sicatoad | From: /wp-content/plugins/featured-image-from-url/admin/html/js/woo-meta-box.js?ver=4.5.1 to: 404, Reason: ignore_donotprocess, Ignore msg(s): Files and folders (do not redirect) pattern: ^wp\-content\/plugins\/.*$, Execution time: 0.07 seconds, permalinks found: (not set), Trace: #0 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(512): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('Ugh. SQL insert...') #1 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/DataAccess.php(1075): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->insertAndGetResults('wkcgx_abj404_lo...', Array) #2 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(222): ABJ_404_Solution_DataAccess->logRedirectHit('/wp-content/plu...', '404', 'ignore_donotpro...') #3 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(122): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() #4 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): abj404_404listener('') #5 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #6 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #7 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire...') #8 /home/sicatocl/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/sicatocl/...') #9 /home/sicatocl/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/sicatocl/...') #10 {main} 2023-10-29 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.36MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-30 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.47MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-10-31 01:31:20 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.57MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-01 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.69MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 1, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-02 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.82MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-03 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.88MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-04 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 49.99MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-05 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 50.12MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-06 01:56:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 50.16MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-07 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 50.39MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-08 01:28:18 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 50.44MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-09 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 50.53MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 50.58MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-11 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 50.82MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-12 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 50.92MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 51.09MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-14 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 51.24MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-15 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 51.31MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-16 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 51.41MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-17 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 51.62MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-18 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 51.81MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-19 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 51.89MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-20 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.04MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-21 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.1MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-22 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.16MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-23 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.31MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-24 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.47MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-25 01:26:09 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.58MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-26 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.69MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-27 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.77MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-28 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 52.87MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-29 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 53MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-11-30 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 53.15MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-01 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 53.26MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-02 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 53.42MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-03 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 53.52MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-04 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 53.62MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-05 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 53.77MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-06 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 53.98MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-07 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.06MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-08 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.16MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-09 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.24MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-10 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.35MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.35.6 is 30 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-12-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.35.6 2023-12-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-12-10 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-12-10 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-12-10 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.35.6 2023-12-11 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.41MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.35.6 is 31 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-12-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.35.6 2023-12-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-12-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-12-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-12-11 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.35.6 2023-12-12 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.52MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-12 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.35.6 is 32 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-12-12 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.35.6 2023-12-12 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-12-12 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-12-12 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-12-12 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.35.6 2023-12-13 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.6MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.35.6 is 33 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-12-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.35.6 2023-12-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-12-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-12-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-12-13 01:26:08 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.35.6 2023-12-14 01:26:11 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.7MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-14 01:26:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.35.6 is 34 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-12-14 01:26:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.35.6 2023-12-14 01:26:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-12-14 01:26:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-12-14 01:26:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-12-14 01:26:13 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.35.6 2023-12-15 01:26:06 GMT+0000 (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 0, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 54.79MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false 2023-12-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): The latest major version is old enough for updating automatically (30days minimum, version 2.35.6 is 35 days old), currently version 2.28.0 is installed. 2023-12-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Attempting update to 2.35.6 2023-12-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including WP_Upgrader for update. 2023-12-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Including misc.php for update. 2023-12-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Includes for update complete. Updating... 2023-12-15 01:26:07 GMT+0000 (INFO): Successfully reactivated plugin after upgrade to version 2.35.6